An evening – unforgotten.


Tossed salad “crunchies & munchies”  CHF 18 vegan
Mesclun salad | seeds | bread chips | pomegranate | house dressing

The salad  CHF 20
Romaine lettuce | avocado | bacon | croutons | Parmesan dressing

Yellowfin  CHF 25
Tuna | lemon pesto | cherry tomatoes | black olives

Regional beef | Burratina | truffle | focaccia | rosemary oil
70gr | CHF 24
140gr | CHF 38

The green way  CHF 21
Green asparagus | La cotta | preserved lemon | tomato compote | balsamico

Soup-a-star  CHF 16
Yellow peppers | saffron | samphire | sauteed prawns

Chefs soup of the day  CHF 14


Tossed salad “crunchies & munchies”  CHF 18 vegan
Mesclun salad | seeds | bread chips | pomegranate | house dressing

The salad  CHF 20
Romaine lettuce | avocado | bacon | croutons | Parmesan dressing

Yellowfin  CHF 25
Tuna | lemon pesto | cherry tomatoes | black olives

Regional beef | Burratina | truffle | focaccia | rosemary oil
70gr | CHF 24
140gr | CHF 38

The green way  CHF 21
Green asparagus | La cotta | preserved lemon | tomato compote | balsamico

Soup-a-star  CHF 16
Yellow peppers | saffron | samphire | sauteed prawns

Chefs soup of the day  CHF 14


Piemontesi  CHF 32
Asparagus and ricotta Agnolotti | broad beans | green peas | Belper Knolle cheese

Aged Acquerello  CHF 42
Smoked chicken breast | zucchini | basil | Risotto

HERITAGE Sizzling  CHF 58
Beef fillet 180g | seasonal vegetable | steak fries | sauce bearnaise

Deli-Fish-Ous  CHF 46
Swiss salmon filet | bulgur | Ras el hanout | tender stem broccoli | yoghurt

I beet on you  CHF 29
Beetroot burger | Guacamole | Pita bread | cauliflower tempura | mixed salad


Piemontesi  CHF 32
Asparagus and ricotta Agnolotti | broad beans | green peas | Belper Knolle cheese

Aged Acquerello  CHF 42
Smoked chicken breast | zucchini | basil | Risotto

HERITAGE Sizzling  CHF 58
Beef fillet 180g | seasonal vegetable | steak fries | sauce bearnaise

Deli-Fish-Ous  CHF 46
Swiss salmon filet | bulgur | Ras el hanout | tender stem broccoli | yoghurt

I beet on you  CHF 29
Beetroot burger | Guacamole | Pita bread | cauliflower tempura | mixed salad

Perfect to share

The Grand Piece  CHF 70 per person
Breaded veal escalope ca. 350 g
Rocket leaves | parmesan | lemon | caper

Please choose 2 side dishes
Steak fries | seasonal vegetables | mixed salad | potato salad

House Fries  CHF 15
Steak fries | Sbrinz cheese | truffle cream

Portobello Market  CHF 18
Grilled mushroom | eggplant puree | pine nut-olive salsa

Crisped  CHF 21
Crispy buttermilk chicken | chipotle-lime mayonnaise

Add on to share

HERITAGE Fries 15 Vegi
Steak fries | Sbrinz cheese | truffle cream

HFC 21
HERITAGE Fried Chicken | Kimchi | Korean Gochujang mayonnaise

Perfect to share

The Grand Piece  CHF 70 per person
Breaded veal escalope ca. 350g
Rocket leaves | parmesan | lemon | caper

Please choose 2 side dishes
Steak fries | seasonal vegetables | mixed salad | potato salad

House Fries  CHF 15
Steak fries | Sbrinz cheese | truffle cream

Portobello Market  CHF 18
Grilled mushroom | eggplant puree | pine nut-olive salsa

Crisped  CHF 21
Crispy buttermilk chicken | chipotle-lime mayonnaise


I love chocolate  CHF 16
70% Swiss chocolate mousse | marbled ice cream | crunchy chocolate sable

I hate chocolate  CHF 15
Pavlova | vanilla cream | strawberry sorbet

“Don’t Pistachio me of”  CHF 16
Crème brûlée | pistachio | croquant


I love chocolate  CHF 16
70% Swiss chocolate mousse | marbled ice cream | crunchy chocolate sable

I hate chocolate  CHF 15
Pavlova | vanilla cream | strawberry sorbet

“Don’t Pistachio me of”  CHF 16
Crème brûlée | pistachio | croquant

Opening hours

HERITAGE Restaurant Basel

Mon – Fri, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Tue – Sat, 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Sunday closed

Messeplatz 25
4058 Basel, Switzerland

Phone: +41 61 551 70 70

For group reservations
of 9 people or more, kindly contact