Two heads eat better than one.


Tuna | pink veal | Fior di Latte | Kampot Pepper | salted lemon | olive oil

Berlin Beets  20
Beetroot Hummus | Falafel | orange | yoghurt | parsley | pomegranate | mint

Umami “Stüllchen”  19
Cured Roastbeef | Brioche | caramel butter | Fancy sauce | herbs

Lucky you  22
Salmon | pink grapefruit | sesame seeds | miso | shiso

HERITAGE Tatar  25
Beef filet | capers | egg yolk | abchovy | Parmesan | chives | Croûtons

HERITAGE Vatar  19
Vegan tatar | beetroot | jack fruit | capers | smoke | fermented mustard seed


Tuna | pink veal | Fior di Latte | Kampot Pepper | salted lemon | olive oil

Berlin Beets  20
Beetroot Hummus | Falafel | orange | yoghurt | parsley | pomegranate | mint

Umami “Stüllchen”  19
Cured Roastbeef | Brioche | caramel butter | Fancy sauce | herbs

Lucky you  22
Salmon | pink grapefruit | sesame seeds | miso | shiso

HERITAGE Tatar  25
Beef filet | capers | egg yolk | abchovy | Parmesan | chives | Croûtons

HERITAGE Vatar  19
Vegan tatar | beetroot | jack fruit | capers | smoke | fermented mustard seed

In between

Liquid Lobster  15
Lobster Bisque | tomatoes | Pimiento olive oil

Good Friend  18
Crispy eggplant | silken tofu | Kaffir lime | shiitake | coriander

Satisfyer  16
Tagliolini | Napoli Bianco | Parmesan

Satisfyer Pro  34
Fine white pasta | Carpaccio | truffle cream | Parmesan

49a  14
Wonton | pork | chili | miso | ginger | garlic

In between

Liquid Lobster  15
Lobster Bisque | tomatoes | Pimiento olive oil

Good Friend  18
Crispy eggplant | silken tofu | Kaffir lime | shiitake | coriander

Satisfyer  16
Tagliolini | Napoli Bianco | Parmesan

Satisfyer Pro  34
Fine white pasta | Carpaccio | truffle cream | Parmesan

49a  14
Wonton | pork | chili | miso | ginger | garlic


Taste of Tuscany  30
Gnocchi | wild garlic | Burrata | dried morel jus | hazelnut

Aioli Ravioli  32
Ravioli | smoked almonds | garlic | artichoke | Taggiasca olives | rosemary

Salle à Manger  39
Coq au Vin blanc | guinea fowl | Mirepoix | parsley | bacon | Croûtons

What a pick me up  44
Braised beef cheek à la Waldorf | celeriac | Granny Smith | walnut

Imperial  45
Breton hake | glazed turnip | caviar beurre blanc | potato-leek-moussline

Seoul Food  40
Smoked pork belly | eel | roasted onion | garlic | korean cucumber salad

Beef filet, Black Angus 180g | 250g  45 | 59
Sizzling Entrecôte Dry Aged 250g  42
NY Striploin 250g  38
Half lobster  45


Taste of Tuscany  30
Gnocchi | wild garlic | Burrata | dried morel jus | hazelnut

Aioli Ravioli  32
Ravioli | smoked almonds | garlic | artichoke | Taggiasca olives | rosemary

Salle à Manger  39
Coq au Vin blanc | guinea fowl | Mirepoix | parsley | bacon | Croûtons

What a pick me up  44
Braised beef cheek à la Waldorf | celeriac | Granny Smith | walnut

Imperial  45
Breton hake | glazed turnip | caviar beurre blanc | potato-leek-moussline

Seoul Food  40
Smoked pork belly | eel | roasted onion | garlic | korean cucumber salad

Beef filet, Black Angus 180g | 250g  45 | 59
Sizzling Entrecôte Dry Aged 250g  42
NY Striploin 250g  38
Half lobster  45

Add on to share

Focaccia  14
Muhamara | walnuts | goat cheese | arugula

Meatballs classic  15
Tomato sauce | rosemary crumble

HERITAGE Fries  14
Bowl of fries | Parmesan | truffle cream

The Salad  19
HERITAGE Style Caesar Salad | Miso | crispy chicken | Parmesan | rosemary crumble

Finger lickn’good  10
Crispy chips | Chipolet chili | Yuzu | salt & vinegar

HFC – HERITAGE Fried Chicken  18
Baconnaise | BBQ | Kimchi sesame

Add on to share

Focaccia  14
Muhamara | walnuts | goat cheese | arugula

Meatballs classic  15
Tomato sauce | rosemary crumble

HERITAGE Fries  14
Bowl of fries | Parmesan | truffle cream

The Salad  19
HERITAGE Style Caesar Salad | Miso | crispy chicken | Parmesan | rosemary crumble

Finger lickn’good  10
Crispy chips | Chipolet chili | Yuzu | salt & vinegar

HFC – HERITAGE Fried Chicken  18
Baconnaise | BBQ | Kimchi sesame


Ci-Trust  12
Sorbet | salad

Café Gourmet  14
Espresso or Espresso Macchiato | small Crème Brûlée

I love chocolate  18
Tarte | cream | parfait | crisp | gel

I hate chocolate  18
Carrot | cream cheese | cashew | almond | cinnamon | nutmeg

Say cheese  22
Tête de Moine | cream cheese of goat | Gouda extra old | Fourme d’Ambert | Polaroid


Ci-Trust  12
Sorbet | salad

Café Gourmet  14
Espresso or Espresso Macchiato | small Crème Brûlée

I love chocolate  18
Tarte | cream | parfait | crisp | gel

I hate chocolate  18
Carrot | cream cheese | cashew | almond | cinnamon | nutmeg

Say cheese  22
Tête de Moine | cream cheese of goat | Gouda extra old | Fourme d’Ambert | Polaroid

HERITAGE Family Style Floating Menu

Lucky you
Salmon | pink grapefruit | sesame seeds | miso | shiso

Umami “Stüllchen”
Cured Roastbeef | Brioche | caramel butter | Fancy sauce | herbs

Berlin Beets
Beetroot Hummus | Falafel | orange | yoghurt | parsley | pomegranate | mint

Liquid Lobster
Lobster Bisque | tomatoes | Pimiento olive oil

Taste of Tuscany
Gnocchi | wild garlic | Burrata | dried morel jus | hazelnut

Seoul Food
Smoked pork belly | eel | roasted onion | garlic | korean cucumber salad

Sorbet | salad

I love chocolate
Tarte | cream | parfait | crisp | gel

for 2 people
89 p.p.

HERITAGE Family Style

Floating Menu

Lucky you
Salmon | pink grapefruit | sesame seeds | miso | shiso

Umami “Stüllchen”
Cured Roastbeef | Brioche | caramel butter | Fancy sauce | herbs

Berlin Beets
Beetroot Hummus | Falafel | orange | yoghurt | parsley | pomegranate | mint

Liquid Lobster
Lobster Bisque | tomatoes | Pimiento olive oil

Taste of Tuscany
Gnocchi | wild garlic | Burrata | dried morel jus | hazelnut

Seoul Food
Smoked pork belly | eel | roasted onion | garlic | korean cucumber salad

Sorbet | salad

I love chocolate
Tarte | cream | parfait | crisp | gel

for 2 people
89 p.p.

Opening hours

HERITAGE Restaurant Berlin

Daily 6:30 am – 11:00 pm

Charlottenstr. 52
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 5870 9771 910