Two heads eat better than one.

HERITAGE Chanterelle Special

Chanterelle-weeks at HERITAGE Berlin


Carpaccio with roasted chanterelles  24
Parmesan | braised vine tomatoes

Velouté of chanterelles  14
Nut butter foam | tarragon

Lobster Omlette with chanterelles  38
Miso | spinach salad

Fine white Pasta with chanterelles  22
Belper Knolle

daily served from 11:30 am to 10pm


Umami Stüllchen  19
Cured Roastbeef | Brioche | caramel butter | Fancy sauce | herbs

The Salad  21
Caesar Salad | truffle cream | crispy chicken | Parmesan | rosemary crumble

HERITAGE Tartar  25
Beef filet | capers | egg yolk | anchovy | Parmesan | chives | Croûtons

HERITAGE Vartar -vegan-  19
Vegan Tartar | beetroot | jack fruit | capers | smoke | fermented mustard seeds

Lucky you  20
Salmon | avocado | pomegranate | mango | passion fruit | basil

G.O.A.T –vegetarisch-  15
Goat cheese | apricot | lavender | honey-crisp | vinaigrette „provençale“

Liquid Lobster  16
Lobster Bisque | tomatoes | Pimiento olive oil


Umami Stüllchen  19
Cured Roastbeef | Brioche | caramel butter | Fancy sauce | herbs

The Salad  21
Caesar Salad | truffle cream | crispy chicken | Parmesan | rosemary crumble

HERITAGE Tartar  25
Beef filet | capers | egg yolk | anchovy | Parmesan | chives | Croûtons

HERITAGE Vartar -vegan-  19
Vegan Tartar | beetroot | jack fruit | capers | smoke | fermented mustard seeds

Lucky you  20
Salmon | avocado | pomegranate | mango | passion fruit | basil

G.O.A.T –vegetarisch-  15
Goat cheese | apricot | lavender | honey-crisp | vinaigrette „provençale“

Liquid Lobster  16
Lobster Bisque | tomatoes | Pimiento olive oil


Hung(a)ry –vegan- 34
Portobello | Gulasch flavour | onion | smoked paprika | potatoes

Beats -vegetarisch- 26
Tagiolini | red beets | Belper Knolle | spinach

What a pick me up 39
Braised beef cheek | saffron | fennel | peach | Gremolata

Imperial 45
Breton hake | glazed turnip | caviar beurre blanc | potato-leek-mousseline

Beef filet, Black Angus 180g | 250g 45 | 59
Sizzling Entrecôte Dry Aged 300g 42
Salmon filet „black&blue“ 34


Hung(a)ry –vegan- 34
Portobello | Gulasch flavour | onion | smoked paprika | potatoes

Beats -vegetarisch- 26
Tagiolini | red beets | Belper Knolle | spinach

What a pick me up 39
Braised beef cheek | saffron | fennel | peach | Gremolata

Imperial 45
Breton hake | glazed turnip | caviar beurre blanc | potato-leek-mousseline

Beef filet, Black Angus 180g | 250g 45 | 59
Sizzling Entrecôte Dry Aged 300g 42
Salmon filet „black&blue“ 34

Grand Pièce

Pulled Beef Hammer 69
Chipotle Dry Rub

Preparation time approx. 45 minutes

Served with Sauce Béarnaise and herb salad

Grand Pièce

Pulled Beef Hammer 69
Chipotle Dry Rub

Preparation time approx. 45 minutes

Served with Sauce Béarnaise and herb salad

Perfect to share

Green asparagus | Sauce Vierge  12

Broccolini | smoked almonds  9

Spinach salad | truffle dressing | lime  8

Saffron risotto | vine tomatoes  10

Crispy Fougasse | onions | bacon | rosemary  12

Sweet potato | Caponata-vinaigrette  12

HERITAGE Fries | Parmesan | truffle cream  12

Perfect to share

Green asparagus | Sauce Vierge  12

Broccolini | smoked almonds  9

Spinach salad | truffle dressing | lime  8

Saffron risotto | vine tomatoes  10

Crispy Fougasse | onions | bacon | rosemary  12

Sweet potato | Caponata-vinaigrette  12

HERITAGE Fries | Parmesan | truffle cream  12


Café Gourmet 14
Espresso or Espresso Macchiato | small Crème Brûlée

I love chocolate 18
Profiteroles | parfait | sauce | crisp

I hate chocolate -vegan- 18
Summer berries | lime | passion fruit | semolina “flammerie” ice

Say Cheese 22
Tête de Moine | cream cheese of goat | Gouda extra old | Fourme d‘Ambert | Polaroid


Café Gourmet 14
Espresso or Espresso Macchiato | small Crème Brûlée

I love chocolate 18
Profiteroles | parfait | sauce | crisp

I hate chocolate -vegan- 18
Summer berries | lime | passion fruit | semolina “flammerie” ice

Say Cheese 22
Tête de Moine | cream cheese of goat | Gouda extra old | Fourme d‘Ambert | Polaroid


Umami Stüllchen
Cured Roastbeef | Brioche | caramel butter | Fancy sauce | herbs

Liquid Lobster
Lobster Bisque | tomatoes | Pimiento olive oil

What a pick me up
Braised beef cheek | saffron | fennel | peach | Gremolata

I love chocolate
Profiteroles | parfait | sauce | crisp

Wine pairing, 4 glasses á 0.1l 42
Non alcoholic pairing, 4 glasses á 0.1l 32

4 course menu
89 p.p.


Umami Stüllchen
Cured Roastbeef | Brioche | caramel butter | Fancy sauce | herbs

Liquid Lobster
Lobster Bisque | tomatoes | Pimiento olive oil

What a pick me up
Braised beef cheek | saffron | fennel | peach | Gremolata

I love chocolate
Profiteroles | parfait | sauce | crisp

Wine pairing, 4 glasses á 0.1l 42
Non alcoholic pairing, 4 glasses á 0.1l 32

4 course menu
89 p.p.

Opening hours

HERITAGE Restaurant Berlin

Daily 6:30 am – 11:00 pm

Charlottenstr. 52
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 5870 9771 910